Operation Game - Digital Poetry

This work is called Operation Game. For this work, which represents the final stage of my year proyect, but also the final stage and closing of a very intense, different, complicated, unusual, unpredictable year, similar to a science fiction film, I would like to combine and make a kind of summary of the course and the year and the impact or relationship it had on my body and my being.
After the operation I had, I realized that my priorities had changed, that it was no longer who I saw, if I could go out to have a few beers with my friends, or the social limits that the quarantine imposes on me regarding my outings, visits, loves and friendships. But now my priority was to be well, to slow down, to be calmer, to listen to me and to be in good shape with my body so that in some future I could go back to doing those activities that I liked so much. Throughout the course of this subject, we explored a lot about the tours, the location, the digital, and I was personally interested in exploring how this impacts or is interpreted in my generation. My generation in particular is always very stressed, anxious, unwilling to respect limits and defying authority, it likes to be transgressive and revolutionary. As a resolution and analysis of the year, I walked many paths and traced many paths that lead me to where I am today, and I feel very different from the Isa who started this subject to the Isa who ends it. For this reason, for this work, the unification of the 6 works in hypermedia mode, with the base of a reclining image of me, where my different parts of the body will be different hyperlinks to different stages, emotions, paths, projects, sensations , Practical jobs. For this I came up with a before and after after an operation, and I remembered the game Operation that I played as a girl. The idea is that the person can "operate" or rather go through me, investigate me, know me and see the different transitions that I went through but always with the same common denominator: the body. The body is for me the most important part, which unites and connects something spiritual with something earthly, the body with the mind and the soul. To achieve this, as in all my works, I am interested in achieving the superposition of texts, images, ideas, and different work methodologies, as Machado says, to achieve this hypermedia.
The image would have 7 body parts that function as hyperlinks: the hands (2), the feet (2), the head, the chest, and the belly. These 7 parts are the most representative, my extremities and my axes. In each hyperlink, a project would be related to other elements such as poems, texts, images, videos, collages. The idea of this hypermedia is not to create an eternal network of digital links, but through this connection to be able to show the different things that arise from and as a consequence of those places or their representation.